
Dividend yield

Proposed dividend on ordinary shares expressed as a percentage of the Class B share’s closing price at the period’s last trading day.

Total return

Price development of Class B shares including reinvested dividends (this year’s paid dividend) on ordinary shares.

Return on equity

Profit for the period attributable to owners of the parent for the last 12 months divided by average equity attributable to owners of the parent during the five most recent quarters.

Return on invested capital

Adjusted EBITA less tax paid for the last 12 months as a percentage of average capital invested during the five most recent quarters.

Return on capital employed

Adjusted EBITA for the last 12 months as a percentage of average capital employed during the five most recent quarters.

Return on capital employed, business area and segment

Adjusted EBITA for the business area’s operating companies for the last 12 months as a percentage of average capital employed excluding financial lease liabilities during the five most recent quarters.


EBITA with depreciation, amortisation and impairment reversed (Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortisation).

EBITDA margin

EBITDA expressed as a percentage of net sales.


Operating profit before impairment of goodwill as well as amortisation and impairment of other intangible assets that arose in conjunction with company acquisitions and similar transactions. (Earnings Before Interest, Tax and Amortisation).

EBITA margin

EBITA expressed as a percentage of net sales.

Equity per share

Equity attributable to owners of the parent divided by the number of outstanding ordinary shares at the end of the period.

Invested capital

Non-current assets (including goodwill) and working capital.

Adjusted EBITA

EBITA adjusted for capital gains and the revaluation of listed shares and non-recurring items affecting comparability at the business area level.

Adjusted EBITA margin

Adjusted EBITA expressed as a percentage of net sales.

Cash flow from operating activities

Includes cash flow from operating profit, dividends received from associates, interest and financial items, income tax paid, and changes in working capital.

Average number of employees

Total number of hours worked during the most recent full year restated as full-time positions. Also includes average number of employees in key associates.

Order intake

The value of projects and contracts received, as well as changes in the value of existing projects and agreements during the current period. Order intake is only reported for the Construction & Services business area since it is considered a key performance measure for its operations.

Order backlog

The value of the remaining unearned project revenue in pending assignments at the end of the period. Order backlog is only reported for the Construction & Services business area since it is considered a key performance measure for its operations.

Organic growth

Net sales growth in comparable units. The effects of acquisitions, divestments and exchange rate changes are excluded.

P/E ratio

Market share price for Class B share in relation to earnings per share.

Basic earnings per share

Profit for the period attributable to owners of the parent company divided by the average number of outstanding ordinary shares.

Diluted earnings per share

When calculating diluted earnings per share, earnings and the average number of shares are adjusted to take into account the effects of potential ordinary shares, which, for the reported periods, pertain to convertible debt instruments and warrants issued to employees.

Interest-bearing net debt

Interest-bearing liabilities (including financial lease liabilities) and pension provisions minus interest-bearing assets and cash and cash equivalents.

Capital employed

Equity, non-controlling interests and interest-bearing liabilities.

Leverage excl. finance leases

Interest-bearing net debt excluding finance leases in relation to EBITDA for the last 12 months.


Interest-bearing net debt in relation to EBITDA for the last 12 months.

Equity ratio

Reported equity expressed as a percentage of total assets. Non-controlling interests are included in equity.

Last 12-month period

The most recent 12 months.